How To Get Through Big Books Faster

How To Get Through Big Books Faster

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How to get through big books faster

First things first. Don’t be intimidated. You’re going to get through this little by little, but as fast as possible at the same time.

Mindset is everything here. You have to go in with the understanding that things will be tough. Tough to stay focused, intrigued, and to find the proper amount of time needed, and so on. Since you’ve accepted this undertaking, it’s time to strategize.

Plan to chip away at it in blocks. You can set the amount of pages you read in one sitting to whatever works for you. 

Have a reading schedule 5 times a week or whatever you choose. Sacrifice your weekends. Both days of your weekend will be dedicated to getting through your lovely mountain of pages. This is an extreme tactic, and also totally up to you, of course. Don’t be afraid to take breaks if needed. A good day or two break to recharge is totally okay. 

Take notes at the end of every reading block. Always use a dedicated reading journal. This way you can always know where to find it, instead of using a random piece of paper. You can also use this journal for multiple books until you fill up every page. And you’ll always remember what you’ve read, even days later. If you’re interested in trying a reading journal, here’s one that we recommend.

Get comfortable. Check out our blog post on creating your own reading nook here.

Lastly, if you get desperate, or burned out. You can resort to skimming and looking for clues in headings and the table of contents.

Once you’ve finished the book, you may want to consider reviewing it. We’ve created a really nice review book called My Book Review Log. This logbook helps you remember important details, and your thoughts and opinions on the book. It also has a section for notes, and a section for further research if needed.

Hope these tips help!

Happy reading!

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